OPAS:Contactless Giving/Appendix 1 - Guidelines For Parish Users - Accounts
We have set up two new subcategories for you –
30010.10 – Contactless Offertories GA and 30020.10 – Contactless Offertories Non GA.
Your TapnGo system will frequently generate a total of donations made – you will see the corresponding amount on your bank statement for reconciliation.
As and when it comes in, each total needs to be enter into OPAS using the date it is received as per the bank statement and listed as a BACS payment. The Gift Aid total must be ticked as such, which will also identify it as a One Off. N.B. The credit to the account will show the donation minus the transaction fee, but the whole total of Gift Aided donations must be entered so that Gift Aid can be claimed on the whole amount. The difference between the donations and the credit can be shown in a third split line, as a ‘minus’ figure, under interest paid/bank charges, 70540.