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OPAS:Accounting/Input Weekly Income As 2 Or More Bank Transactions

From Parish Accounts Wiki
(Redirected from OPAS:Accounting/Sundries)

Inputting weekly income as 2 separate paying in slips (where cheques have to be separated at the paying in stage at the bank and the credits may not hit the statement on the same day)

Input the entire weekly income sheet as if it were going to be paid in on one slip. Then add an extra line at the end categorising to Off Non GA , where weekly income has copied down in the reference field type “cheques” next to it, then input the value of the cheques paid in on a separate cheque in the box with a minus sign in front of it. This will reduce the total of the credit to the value of all the cash. Then do a second money in USING THE SAME SUNDAY DATE as a single line entry to Offs Non GA again annotating it “cheques” for the value of the cheques. This will make bank rec easy if the credits don’t hit the bank on the same day and also preserve the WI sheet split.