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OPAS:Accounting/Bounced Cheque Given Via Offertory Envelope Which Is Gift-Aided

From Parish Accounts Wiki
Revision as of 14:17, 24 October 2023 by Tim (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Enter using the money out screen and code the bounced offertory cheque to whichever original category was used. In the accounts side of OPAS alter the mix split of the original weekly income sheet so that the GA total is reduced by the amount of the cheque and the Offs Non GA is increased by the same amount so that the total banked stays the same. This will mean the total originally balanced to in the GA side of the programme changes. The batch of envelopes will return...")
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Enter using the money out screen and code the bounced offertory cheque to whichever original category was used.

In the accounts side of OPAS alter the mix split of the original weekly income sheet so that the GA total is reduced by the amount of the cheque and the Offs Non GA is increased by the same amount so that the total banked stays the same. This will mean the total originally balanced to in the GA side of the programme changes. The batch of envelopes will return back to the unallocated or saved envelope folders within the donations black tab within the GA side of OPAS. Open the batch and delete the bounced cheque allocation donor line. This will then re-balance and get rid of it and make the donor record correct.

You will also need to make a note on the paper copy of the w i sheet to complete the audit trail.

It is worth noting that bounced cheques can be dealt with at parish level but users may well need help and support and this topic is not covered in the parish user manual.